Hi there! Check out these latest movie highlights from Movie Week, the韩国 film monthly publication. From new releases to standout performances, we've got a bountiful coverage for you! Let’s dive into what’s happening in the film world right now.
The latest edition of Movie Week offers a mix of action-packed excitement and lighter fare, perfect for movie lovers of all ages. Here are some standout moments:
1. Actionful Moments: From *The West Wing*’s gripping drama to *Xanadu*’s lighthearted take on college life, each film brings its own dynamic feel.
2. Cultural Connections: In *The Hidden Landscape*, director Hongjun Han ties back to the iconic *Hannibal* story, offering a fresh perspective.
3. New Releases: *Shushu 7th* and *Daiichi Sankakugoa: The Endless series* are making waves, with their unique storytelling catching fans’ attention.
We’ve got some stellar interviews to dive deeper into the worlds of cinema:
- Hoyoung Kim: A recent interview delves into the emotional journey of *The Hidden Landscape*, revealing how his character evolved during filming.
- Sangmin Lee (actor): He shares insights about *Xanadu*, emphasizing the importance of teamwork and creativity in storytelling.
Keep your eyes on the charts for more insight:
- Action片: *The West Wing* surges up, grabbing $1.245 million.
- Drama/Drama-Friendly片*: *Xanadu* commands $368,790 in attendance.
- *Shushu 7th*: \$2.385 million
- *Daiichi Sankakugoa: The Endless series*: \$1.254 million
Check out the latest schedule:
- Hongdae Theater, Beijing: 7 PM
- Shanghai Center for Cultural Technology, Shanghai: 8 PM
- Tokyo National Theatre, Tokyo: 7 PM
- Beijing Sky剧场, Beijing: 9 PM
Don’t forget to enjoy:
- A New Movie Every Week: *The Hidden Landscape* hits theaters for the first time.
- Cold-Sided Subtitles: A rare feature highlights the subtitles without audio cues, adding a fun twist.
- Short Films: Including *Shushu 7th*, *Daiichi Sankakugoa: The Endless series*, and even some lesser-known titles.
What's Next? Visit our website at [WPS English Version](https://www.wpsenglish.com/) for more coverage, exclusive news, and behind-the-scenes content. Let the movie world of WPS continue to surprise you!
Until next time, we’re all waiting on *Movie Week*. Thanks for reading!
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